Книга “Аюрведа – Пропуск в бессмертие”

By Антін Кузнецов
*** Аюрведа - Путь к здоровью, счастью и долголетию ***


Bhagavan Dash: Fundamentals of Aurvedic Medicine, Bansal and Co., Delhi, India, 1980.

Bhagavan Dash and Junius Manfred M.: A Handbook of Aurveda, Concept Publishing Co., Delhi, India, 1980.

Charaka Samhita (3 vol.), Original Sanskrit text with english translation by P.V. Sharma, Chaukhaba Orientala, Vanarasi, India, 1981.

Hagelin, John S.: Is Consiousness the Unified Field? A Field Theorist’s Perspective, in Modern Science and Vedic Science, Vol.1, No. 1, Maharishi International University, Publications, Fan-field, Iowa, United States, 1987.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Creating an Ideal Society, MERU Press, Rheinweiler, Germany, 1977.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: in Inaguration of Maharishi Vedic University, Age of Enlightment Press, Livingston Manor, New York, USA, 1985.

Maharishi’s Programme to Create World Peace – Global Inaguration, Maharishi Vedic University Press, Vlodrop, Holland, 1987.

Orme-Johnson, D.W. & Farrow, J.T., editors: Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi P-rogramme, Vol. 1-5, MERU Press, Rheinweiler, Germany, 1989.

Science, Consciousness and Ageing; Proceedings of the International Conference; Achievements in the Direction of Immortality, MERU Press, Rheinweiler, Germany, 1980.

Scientific Research on Ayur-Veda from 1967 to 1986 Vol. 1, Topics of Research – Compiled from Scientific Journal; Maharishi World Cenre of Ayur-Veda, Maharishi Nagar, UP, India, 1986.

Sharma, D.P. & Shastri, S.K., Basic Principles of Ayurveda, Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhavan Ltd., Patna, India, 1978.

Udupa,K.N. & Singh, R.H., editors, Science and Philosophy of Indian Medicine, Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhavan Ltd., Nagpur, India, 1978.

Wallace, R.K., The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field: The Neurophisiology of Enlightment, MIU Neuroscience Press, Fairfield, Iowa, United States, 1986.

Адриан Б. Смит: Ключ к Царству Небесному, ВУМ, Рига, Литва, 1994.

Е.П. Островской, Е.И. Рудой: Классическая Йога (Йога-сутры Патанджали) “Вьяса-Бхашья”

Махариши Махеш Йоги: Бхагават-Гита, перевод и комментарии.

Махариши Махеш Йоги: Наука Бытия и Искусство Жизни.

Роберт Ротх (Robert Roth): Высшее сознание – Трансцендентальная Медитация (ТМ).


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